The secret to getting the best internship

The perfect internship can get you the right experience within your chosen job field, which will then set you on the best path for a successful career. Be aware that the best unpaid internships in Australia are competitive. Yet, with preparation, you can then position yourself to land your dream job. 

Here are some tips to help you gain the best internship

Speak with people in the same fieldget an international internship

The first step to finding an available internship for you is to identify what exactly is the best opportunity for you. Talk to someone who works within the field that you want to work within. It doesn’t have to be a professional, but even a friend that is working within the same area. Talking to someone who is working within the profession would be perfect, as they know all about the industry trends and have all the insight on where you should be focusing your strength. Tell them what you see yourself doing and the types of job openings you want to be going for. By networking, you will be getting informed advice along with a new contact that can put you in touch with new leads.

Attend the job fairs

It is easy to get lost within the flurry of events and activities that are going on, but do make sure that you don’t miss any career fairs. Job fairs are filled with different businesses that are looking for interns, not to mention, they are a great way for you to network. Preparation is key here. You need to have a professional set of clothing to wear and have a pile of resumes with you. Bring your portfolio with you and plenty of business cards that you can hand out. Go and spark a conversation with a recruiter (which can be scary) but don’t be afraid to get out there and introduce yourself. Always greet with a firm handshake and be sure to tell people what you are majoring in and when you are set out graduate. If you know who is going to be there, try and research their company so you can drop some knowledge about their company which will impress them greatly.

Keep to deadlines

Companies will contact you for an interview, and some companies will prepare for interns up to a year in advance. Do your research find out when they are recruiting and be sure not to miss a deadline. One thing people don’t realise is that when you get an internship interview, it’s mostly an opportunity for the employer to see just how interested in them you actually are. Ask questions, find out what your responsibilities are going to be. If the company is really ready to teach their interns, then they should have a list of responsibilities ready for when you ask for it.

When you want to get the best internship, it is essential that you put yourself out there. The jobs are not going to come to you when you aren’t doing any hard work. Get yourself out there and ensure that you give companies a reason to call you for an interview.

When it comes to getting an internship, it is vital that you plan ahead and be ready for anything, it will pay off for you.

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